My Musical Credo

Pharrell once said that he is only as good as his collaborators, and I hold that true as well. As a producer I always aspire to absorb as much personality and thoughts from my artists and then build a musical portrait of them so that our synergy can make 1+1=3 possible 🙂
I enjoy working with various talents because by doing so I learn so much from them. I learn from their experiences, ideals, dreams, anxieties and knowledge no matter what genre/gender/cultural background they come from. And all of these experiences working with them only make it clear to me that we are all the same: we all want to be UNDERSTOOD, we all want to be CONNECTED.
I make music to connect with people. That is my deepest need in life, as well the strongest force that keeps me alive and drives me forward 🙂

Fortecious Studio

This was my farewell letter to my old studio that I wrote in March, 10, 2014:

For everything there is a time. And I guess it’s about time for me to leave this great place and also the nostalgic memories it holds. My control room is already being simplified as I prepare to detach myself from everything that holds me back. In a month I will be clearing this whole scene as I move out to the next chapter of my life.

I felt great energy being dispersed by every single person I worked with in this place and I still feel it now. All the joy and misery, all the love and all the laughter that I experienced here during the last 2 years will always be an important part of my story.

I thank everyone who make this chapter possible in my early years of growing up by myself, and I do look forward for our adventures in the coming days and months and years ahead of us.

As the ink on my neck says it, Forte does not only mean “loud”, but it also means “strong”. Let it always be a reminder to myself – and also to everyone I meet – to keep being strong in this life, as well in our next lives.

Thank you!